You have to sit cross legged |
Nope, you just have to sit comfortably on a chair (if you want to sit cross legged you can), the emphasis is on comfort. |
Meditation is hard |
Sure if you're trying to force your mind to stop thinking its going to be super hard. But Vedic meditation is incredibly easy, If you can think effortlessly you can meditate, as this technique is not about concentrating nor contemplating. |
You loose motivation for success in the work place |
No, in fact many students find they perform better in our society with their practice both financially and mentally. |
Meditation is esoteric or alternative |
The scientific benefits of this practice have seen meditation enter the mainstream with many top 500 companies (ie Google) even implementing with staff. So it is no longer a fringe movement, all walks of life get great benefit from this practice. |
You stop thinking when you meditate |
No… maybe for small periods, but the idea of stopping thoughts is like trying to stop a river flowing. This idea prevents many people from trying meditation "My mind is too busy" everyone can do this technique. |
Meditation is for Spiritual or religious purposes |
Sure if you're trying to force your mind to stop thinking its going to be super hard. But Vedic meditation is incredibly easy, if you can think effortlessly you can meditate! |
Meditation is for Spiritual or religious purposes |
Maybe in bygone eras, but now meditation is embraced by people with all belief systems: atheists, agnostics, spiritual & religious view points. At the end of the day this is a wonderful tool people use to achieve a deeper state of rest, lower blood pressure, relieve stress and anxiety and many many more benefits that have nothing to do with belief systems. |