Contemplative - Transcendental Meditation comparison
To find out which meditation is the best practice for you, have a read of this page or you can schedule a call with Rich who will have a chat with you about your situation and discuss options with you.
Mindfulness Meditation - Contemplative form
This form of meditation utilises the breath as an anchor and has shown to reduce the activity of the amygdala (trigger for stress response) alongside other benefits.
Mindfulness meditation is derived from Buddhist meditation practices and modified to suit the Western mindset.
Rich teaches mindfulness based meditations which are a contemplative meditation style to businesses and weekly at Eden Health Retreat (for their visitors), and to those that are not in a position financially to invest in the Vedic meditation course.
It is not the practice that Rich does on a daily basis, as it is a different technique to the Vedic practice which has shown to have the particular benefits he is after and it is an easier form of meditation. But as a lover of all meditation and knowing that mindfulness meditation still offers a lot of benefit he offers it to those who want to learn this practice.
If you learn this style and want to deepen your practice down the road 50% of the fee for this tuition is taken off the Vedic meditation course fee.
Vedic meditation - Transcendental form
This form of meditation was the game changer for Rich after 8 years of trying many forms of meditation and offering faltering, he came to this practice.
This form of meditation was designed by householders (like us with busy lives)
This form of meditation utilises a phonetic mantra (no meaning) and a particular technique which has been found to be the easiest form of meditation with a host of benefits.
It increases what is known as "alpha coherence" which is basically increasing communication between hemispheres of the brain (the creative and critical)
This is the practice Rich has been doing daily for 8 years and what most people end up after trialling the other forms. Rich likens it to the meditation for busy people and gold standard practice.
- Mindfulness
- Vedic Meditation
Aspects and inclusions of course | Mindfulness | Vedic Meditation |
Aspects and inclusions of course | $200 (group online - private) | $450-1100 Sliding scale (group course) |
Learn online | Standard | NA |
Personalised mantra | NA | Included |
Form of meditation | Contemplative | Transcending |
Ongoing support | Phone/email | |
In person course | Additional cost | Standard |
Attend group meditations | NA | Yes - no cost |
Private course options | Additional cost | Additional cost |
Sessions | 2 | 4 + Follow up session |
Refresher courses | NA | Included |
Payment plans | NA | Optional | Mindfulness page | Vedic meditation page |
” Rich Muir is an independent teacher of Vedic Meditation. He is not affiliated with the Maharishi Foundation, any registered owner of a Trademark to the terms.”