"Rich was so down to earth,
and not what I was expecting from a
"Meditation Teacher", loved that
he was so normal but so knowledgable"
Rich Munir



If you want to stop repeating patterns of the past and move towards the better version of yourself, meditation is a crucial ingredient.

It aids us to be the architech of our live by facilitating the removal of the toxic impacts of stress, anxiety and depression so we can perform at our highest levels.

Vedic meditation is the perfect meditation practice for the busy modern world.

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I want to learn more about Vedic Meditation?

I suffer from Stress, Anxiety or Depression and want to try meditation

A Journey to Meditation Teacher

First and foremost, I love meditation, science (currently completing a Psychological Science degree), conscious exploration, good health, family, creativity in all its forms, nature, our pets (horses, dog, cat and chickens..), good people and perhaps most of all sharing the ancient technique of Vedic meditation and the science-based practices that compliment it to help us be the better version of ourselves. 

Now for the longer version… 

I am not one of those fortunate human beings with a super resilient nervous system. For me, I’ve had periods where life was a challenge – a slight understatement – due to stress, chronic fatigue, and depression. 

These periods have given me not just a theoretical idea of mental health and wellbeing challenges, but a personal insight to the impacts it has on the ability to live a good life. 

I share this up front to let you know that I am a very real, transparent human, that experiences the full tapestry of life and all that it entails. Not a guy pretending to be an “enlightened guru”.

Rich Muir
Rich Muir

I have however over the years (spending a small fortune along the way chasing magic bullets, which I certainly did not find) through the practices I now am incredibly grateful to teach cultivated a deeper sense: 

“Calm in the Chaos”

How I achieved that, was,  arriving at a simple resolution. Nature knows best and there is no magic bullet. We just have to work out how to best look after our individual nervous systems, and where required use best practices and practitioners to help us move towards our “highest expression of self”. And then make sure we support ourselves continually along the journey with good health and wellbeing practices.

So over the years  I have been on a pursuit to gain a greater understanding of our human nervous systems (hence why I am completing a psychological science degree) and combine this understanding with the amazing science-based ancient practices I share. Practices that are now coming to the forefront of wellbeing, and for so many good reasons. 

And after teaching meditation to over 500 people, I have seen first hand the benefits that all experience when we adopt it into our daily life. I also have read countless peer-reviewed science studies on the practice to know, it is not a placebo. It works. 

Man on Road Scaled

Some things I’ve done along the way searching for deeper calm and happiness!

Fasting in the bush for 4 days with nothing to do but sit in a 3 metre circle, 10 day noble silence meditation retreats, walked on fire with Tony Robbins, all the NLP trainings, Yoga, therapy (science and alternative), breath training, personal and business coaching, Neuro Feedback, seminars upon seminars, online courses, meditation apps you name it, I’ve probably done it or looked into it.

This constant search eventually ended up at Vedic meditation, and oh I am so, so grateful I did. I liken it to the soothing balm to the craziness of life.

"Imagine a life with less stress, more love, more peace, more creativity and joy, and loads less reactivity to the inevitable triggers of the modern world. Meditation helps us cultivate that within our own world."


" Rich Muir is an independent teacher of Vedic Meditation. He is not affiliated with the Maharishi Foundation, any registered owner of a Trademark to the terms. "