Private Mentoring, Meditation, Ice immersions and Breath Sessions

Shift old patterns, deepen your meditation practice or experience powerful breath and meditation sessions

Rich collaborates with individuals from various backgrounds and walks of life. His sessions draw upon a comprehensive toolkit that includes various  breathing techniques, meditation, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), mentoring, insights from his degree in Psychological Science, and somatic practices. This approach is designed to help individuals break free from negative patterns, including stress, anxiety, and depression.

Structure of different offerings, with prices based on sessions either online or from Rich’s property in Currumbin Valley

Mentoring: $225 (If travel is required, an additional fee will apply.)

Life is full of obstacles, and often, a third-party perspective can be crucial in facilitating the necessary shift to move forward. Rich’s mentoring services offer that invaluable insight, helping you navigate through life’s roadblocks with greater ease and confidence. Drawing upon a blend of evidence-based practices and personalized strategies, he empowers you to overcome challenges, achieve your goals, and foster personal growth. Whether you’re facing career hurdles, personal dilemmas, or seeking a deeper sense of purpose, our approach is tailored to meet you where you are. Experience transformative change with guidance that’s compassionate, confidential, and customized to your unique journey.

60 minute Private Breathwork and Meditation Session for wellbeing: $225 (If travel is required, an additional fee will apply.)

Rich employs science-based breath and meditation techniques tailored to your individual requirements. You’ll not only experience a deep meditative experience but also receive tools to take with you. These sessions are perfect for those experiencing high stress, anxiety and depression as the experience and tools are designed to help you gain greater empowerment over your nervous system and alleviate the daily challenges of these heightened states. Giving you greater access to a sense of wellbeing

60 minute Private Breathwork and Ice Immersion Session : $275 (If travel is required, an additional fee will apply.)

Dive into a transformative session of Breathwork and Ice Bath with us.Rich will lead you through conscious connected breathing, scientifically proven to enhance oxygenation and activate your nervous system, unlocking clarity and inner wisdom while releasing stored emotions. Then, immerse yourself in the invigorating world of the ice bath, known for its ability to stimulate circulation, reduce inflammation, and boost endorphin production through cold thermogenesis. Experience instant rejuvenation and heightened awareness as the cold triggers a natural healing response, which coupled with the breathwork radically enlivens your nervous system.
Went from sadness and anxious to light and empowered.
I reached out to Rich recently as I was having some deep feelings of emotional pain and general sadness after a challenging 12 months. I am very discerning who I go to in times like this as being around likeminded people I want to emulate is important to me, particularly when I am feeling vulnerable. I reached out to Rich for a session and in the space of 60 minutes, I went from a state of sadness, frustration, and overall anxiety, to feeling light, empowered, and looking at my situation with a very different perspective. 
Rich has a way of making you feel safe and supported even when what you are sharing isn’t pleasant. This is where the real inner work is. When we take our practice into our lives and things aren’t smooth sailing. Rich reminded me of the normality in my feelings and gave me permission to express this. I am so grateful to have Rich as a mentor and coach in my life. He very much walks the talk, has a calming vibe, he’s relatable and is grounded in the reality of life. 
He certainly was a lifeline for me during this time and my only regret is not reaching out sooner as I have a tenancy to bottle things up and not ‘bother’ anyone! At 37 I have learned that doesn’t work and reaching out to our mentors is so powerful and helpful. I certainly won’t leave it so long to have a quick coaching session with Rich in the future. What an incredible human we have access to here. Thanks Rich.” Sarah Curtis