Naked, Hungry & Tears
So Rich how was sitting alone for 4 days with no food in a 3-metre circle and sleeping under the stars? Hmm, that is such a loaded question. Cathartic to say the least, incredibly expansive yet quite the challenge. I got so much out of just being in the eternal moment without any distractions other […]
Meditation and your immune system

Did you know that Dr Joe Dispenza had uni professors inject Sars Covid 19 into the blood work taken from people attending his retreats. There were 3 samples, pre retreat (no experience with meditation), after retreat (1 week of intensive meditation) and daily meditators. The pre retreat blood work showed a viral uptake, after a […]
Time for renewal and to also avoid suffering from new years resolutions

Gosh I used to put so much pressure on the new year. Oh the clock has turned over and it’s a brand new year, big lofty goals, big aspirations, lets go! I’d race into the year pumped and excited with my almighty self chomping at the bit. Then if I didn’t achieve the goals it […]
Shaken Not Stirred by Spirit Medicine
Warning Long post, about a recent experience with spirit medicines. And potentially the most vulnerable writing of my life so far. So I got my ass handed to me on a universal level on a recent exploration with spirit medicine. And I mean absolutely handed to me. Think the movie exorcism, yep, scary deep shit. […]
A Crazy Meditation Benefit You May Not Know … think bedroom performance

I hope that got your attention, ah yes the wonders of sex and intimacy are surely one of the greatest gifts of being human. Now, you’ve no doubt heard me chat about the benefits of meditation from a stress reduction perspective, but over the coming months I will share some crazy benefits that are a […]
An ancient idea to help cultivate happiness in the current chaos:

Ah can’t wait, finally we get a romantic weekend away booked for the 6-9th of August in a rustic little isolated cabin with my wife. Going to be great, since we had to cancel last time with a lock down. Oh what, another lock down? No, Really? Hmmm, that is like the 4th time we […]
Do you own your’s and in turn who creates your reality?
One of the greatest challenges we may face on this planet is really owning our. Our triggers, our ignorance, our unconscious programs per se. Let me give you a personal example. I was with a good friend the other day, and momentarily was not present and an insensitive thought spewed forward from my mouth, and […]
Can you ever love another person?

The first time I went to Vipassana to learn meditation, they had a nightly discourse derived from Buddha’s teachings. This I might add was after 10 hours of meditation and being up since 4.00am, no wonder they made us sit cross legged, as otherwise would have surely fallen asleep. Anyway, one of the points I […]
When the law steps into facilitate evolution
Well I am again knee deep in mud, literally… not metaphorically. With the constant rain the building of our new home has brought some wonderful challenges… And I am quietly exhausted! Thankfully I am days away from attending the rounding retreat I am running, so I get 4 days away from the building site to […]
Dealing with dissapointments
Well 2020 is in the jammed into the rear view mirror as a year I am sure we will all agree was perhaps the ultimate teacher in surrender. A crazy ride. 2021 so far looks a little similar too… and from peering out over the horizon I don’t think any of us would be confident […]