5 Reasons why you should not meditate or give up meditation
I don’t have time It doesn’t work for me I am not getting anywhere in the meditations I find it frustrating I am not seeing results Rebuttals… with a little tender love. I don’t have time: I debate this with people often. And my first question is really? More often than not comes some bumbling […]
Why Resolutions suck and change Resolutions to
I have a confession, not a fan of resolutions. Neither are the statistics to support that sentiment. 91% of people don’t keep them, so only 9% of people manage to succeed in a resolution. Crazy. Also for me it’s always been this crazy invisible line in the sand that we load up with hefty expectations. […]
The Shadow, The Futures Market, The Hypnotherapist and a Whole Lot of Hurt

“Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear.“ So go and dance in the shadows Rich, but enter at your own peril! Ah what an intro… You see, this year for me I had the intention to go into my shadow as so much of my life has been about ascension. But […]
Can a word make such a difference?
I came to an astonishing realistation. One that impacts many if not all the aspects of my life. The realisation is that there is one word that is the linchpin to becoming all I am here to be, and the lack of it is the linchpin to me being all that I do not wish […]
The invisible friendly enemy
This friendly enemy is too a gift, a wonderful gift when needed (which is rare). But it has become a little too close, something we rely on, way too much, and the unfortunate reality of this, is the relationship has become toxic. Not just emotionally, but physically. It robs us from all the wonder of […]
Stress Management Technique: Two Fast Ways to Reduce Stress and Anxiety at Work

According to science stress makes you sick and stupid. Basically when we get stressed we lose access to our critical intelligence and creativity. Plus stress downregulates our immune system. Hence the sick and stupid comment… And I am sure you agree intelligence, creativity and a sense of being healthy are pretty vital to perform at […]
A midnight visit to emergency during me running a retreat
Mark: So Rich, what are your thoughts on CPR? Me: What do you mean? Mark: Well, in case you have a heart attack tonight would you want me to resuscitate you? Heavy question right, now let me set the scene. This was 10.30pm, the 2nd night of my Rounding retreat last month. Mark and I […]
Does love really make a difference?

Hey wonderful people, hope life is great and your meditating… As the more people meditating the more positive energy goes out into the world. Oh hold the line Rich, that sounds a little on the airy side. Ah yes I get it, but let’s cast aside those thoughts for a moment and have a read […]
Do you create your reality?
It’s a big call right. Like really I’ve created all the shit in my life, all the amazing stuff (okay will take that..) but really why would I have created all the suffering we experience. And surely I didn’t create CoronaVirus, or environmental disasters, wars or poverty and financial hardships. Phh where do we draw […]
Can meditation really help reduce stress levels in the workplace?
Did you know that over 50% of all workplace absenteeism is due to stress? Crazy right! As well as being the biggest killer on the planet. So stress is not just some emotional reaction we experience. It is actually a pollutant to our bodies. Good in very small doses when we are in life or […]