New beginnings


A new year and decade are upon us, and mother earth is insisting a time for massive change and renewal on many levels. In the Vedic world view, we learn there are 3 constant forces always at play in all aspects of the universe and consequently our lives. Creation Maintenance Destruction Observe nature, life grows, […]

So do we really have Free will?

Playing Chess

Hmm tough question and I know you are probably going off course we do. “I make my choices, there’s nothing that determines my fate”. That’s perhaps the collective thought and would appear the most likely answer to the question. Maybe for some, they feel there is some intervention, be it from a religious or spiritual […]

Should I learn Vipassana (10 days noble silence retreat) or Vedic Meditation?


First up, I’m a big advocate of both techniques but for very different reasons. And that comes down to what you want as an outcome. Primarily being, are you wanting to dive deep into your stuff, do some serious soul searching and sit with yourself with no distractions to face all your demons? or are […]

For a flower to bloom, it must first open, so to the mind

Flower Bloom

And for a flower to bloom, it needs the right conditions and to remove the weeds that will take away essential nutrients required to flourish. Same same, with the mind… For our happiness, purpose, joy, creativity and love to flourish, we too have to remove that which holds us back. Such as the mental cages, […]

Oh, why can I not stick to a meditation practice?

Boy Thinking

Ever thought, “this time I am going to make it last, I need it and know it. So no way I am not going to keep meditating.” You committed to meditation practice and realised it’d been a while since you last meditated. Ahhhhh… First up, stop the self-berating. It does nothing to serve you. And […]

So is Vedic Meditation really easier than other forms of meditation?

Men Looking

Vedic meditation is a form of meditation called “automatic self-transcending” which is widely recognised or labelled the easiest, effective and most effortless form of meditation. Big call right. In the modern world, it is so easy to make claims and statements, post them online and call it a fact without any supportive evidence. Just go […]

Males Beware – The Black Dog Bites

Homeless Man

It’s so good to see a shift in the male psyche to be more open, more attuned to dropping the guard, more open to love and all that good stuff. Right?  We’ve done the hardened male, the sensitive male and all that, it’s time to be both. Sensitive and tough. Authentic, open, strong, vulnerable and […]

“Do or do not there is no try”. Yoda


Yoda god bless that small green yogi, he was one wise being. George Lucas actually learned to meditate from Maharishi Mahesh Yogi who sounds a lot like Yoda, funny that, some transcendent wisdom…   Anyway, Yoda hated the word try. Said it doesn’t exist. You either do or you don’t. Think about it for a […]

How Meditation helps to increase our Baseline Happiness

Beautiful Field

Happiness, the elusive fleeting sensation that seems to have a lot of adults chasing our tails in pursuit of. A sensation that is achieved via a temporary external situation that stimulates a sense of happiness. You know, we just fill in the blank; I am or will be happy when (____________), let me throw up […]

Reverence and its place in society


For a long time reverence was a word that had disappeared from my vocabulary and think it is safe to say that’s the case for most of the western world culture. With one huge exception. Reverence for $$$$$$, or what it can buy. The mighty god, M&M, Money & Materials. That which we devote the […]